Fun to drive and cheaper to operate, electric vehicles have grown popular in recent years.
The automakers still need to overcome the challenges before the adoption of these vehicles in the market. Most of the electric vehicle models have improved significantly in just a few years, but a limited driving range does present a challenge to many drivers.
This project relates to self-sustaining equipment for the generation of electricity, and more specifically, it relates to wind turbine-driven generators for vehicles. This device is used for the generation of electricity to charge any type of vehicle battery, provided the vehicle is in motion. The motion of the vehicle will cause air to travel over the body of the vehicle, which will force the air into the nozzle, thus increasing the speed of the air flowing. This will exert force on multiple turbines, rotating them and producing electricity that can be used to charge the batteries, thereby increasing the distance travelled by the electric vehicles. No extra energy input is required to operate wind turbines. As the vehicle moves, the air around it will rotate turbines to produce electricity.
The whole process is self-charging and continuously recharges the vehicles with wind energy while moving. The invention relates to a method for generating electrical energy using high wind pressure generated by moving vehicles, thereby not disturbing the aerodynamics of the air, and utilizing maximum air. The air is compressed by using the nozzles that are fitted into the conical-shaped partitions, which will cause the turbine to rotate, and thus the electrical energy produced will be used by the vehicle.
Granted a Patent with the application number – 1962/DEL/2015
Received a Grant of INR 250,000 from NewGen IEDC
Mr. Yash
Email –
Mobile – 7837777403