A Grain Dryer is a machine that uses vibrations for the motion of grain on the plates fixed in a zig-zag manner inside the closed heating chamber. Electric heating elements are provided under the plates to supply heat to the grains. Exhaust fans are also placed in the chamber to extract the moisture. The purpose of the grain dryer machine is to reduce moisture from grains (e.g., paddy, wheat, etc.) and to prolong their storage for further processing (e.g., milling operations of paddy). This makes the harvest suitable for selling and cooking.
Received a Grant of INR 247,876 from NewGen IEDC
Granted a Patent with the application number – 201811041912
Registered a company - Atma Singh Commission Agent
Mr. Gurasees Singh
Email – aseescoolldh@gmail.com
Mobile – 9878417700