
Braille is utilised by a large number of individuals throughout the world in their local dialects, and it also provides a method for their proficiency. The serious issue spun around the decay of proficiency rates is cost and the customary braille devices available in the market. The project “Briltab Edukit-1” signifies innovating an electronic and advanced device that can be utilised by visually impaired children and their surrounding community to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education. It promotes lifelong learning opportunities.


Meet the Team

  • Mr. Puneet Bawa

    M.E. Student
    Chitkara University, Punjab
  • Mr. Gaurav

    B.E. Student
    Chitkara University, Punjab
  • Dr. Virender Kadyan

    Assistant Professor-Research (CURIN)
    Chitkara University, Punjab


Contact Information

Mr. Puneet Bawa
Email –
Mobile – 7986268917