Progress Submission

    Progress Submission Form for NEWGEN IEDC Sanctioned Projects

    *All questions are mandatory


    You may tick multiple options
    Proof of concept (POC) is readyDesigning is done but implementation is yet to startComponents have been procuredOrder for components has been placedVendor has been identified

    List all components that have been procured and write total amount spent
    on procurement of these components.

    List all components that are yet to be procured and write the reason for delay in procurement.
    (Words limit: upto 100 words)

    Explain the reason for outsourcing the work, what portion/percentage of work is outsourced, give the details of the vendor(s). (Words limit: upto 150 words)

    (Words limit: upto 50 words)

    If you have filed a patent for your IEDC project then enter a patent number else explain the reason for not filing a patent. (Words limit: upto 50 words)

    (Words limit: upto 75 words)

    Please upload only those pictures of your prototypes that you have not shared with us earlier. JPG, JPEG, PNG, PDF file formats are acceptable. You can upload upto 5 pictures.


    All figures are in INR

    If any amount is spent but bills are pending then write that amount and explain the reason for delay in getting the bills (Words limit: upto 50 words

    How much of the sanctioned amount for this project is unspent? How much of this unspent amount is lying with you? and How much of it is lying with IEDC coordinator? (Words limit: upto 50 words)


    Write your answer in about 100 to 300 words only.


    I hereby declare that all the details submitted by myself and my team in this progress submission form are correct to best of our knowledge.