NOVATE+ 2021

NOVATE+ 2021

Confluence of Academia and MSMEs and Start-ups to Address Real World Problems

Call for Project Proposals

Submissions due by – January 31, 2021 February 28, 2021

CLICK HERE to Submit


NOVATE+ is the biggest platform in the region where innovative project ideas from all over the country are showcased & evaluated and receive huge project funding for developing advanced level prototypes. In addition to prototyping grants, participating teams receive mentoring and expert guidance. This initiative is being driven by Chitkara University Research and Innovation Network (CURIN).

Theme of NOVATE+ 2021

Chitkara University has Department of Science and Technology (DST), Government of India sponsored Technology Enabling Centre (TEC), where the prime objective is to develop an ecosystem in which university’s research/technologies can be used by the MSME Industries of our country in addressing its various challenges.

Theme of NOVATE+ 2021 is centred on solving various challenges faced by the MSME Industries.
We are looking for project proposals that are going to be prepared by the applicants in collaboration with MSMEs industries, addressing one or more of their real world challenges. Problem areas may vary from engineering, sciences to business management, IT solutions etc.

Each project proposal will be reviewed by panel of experts, and shortlisted ideas will receive funding support of upto INR 2.25 lacs from Chitkara University NewGen IEDC.

Eligibility Criteria
  • The competition is open to students, academicians entrepreneurs, start-ups from anywhere in India.
  • Collaboration with at least one MSME industry is mandatory.
  • Applicants must obtain endorsement letter from the partner MSME industry.
  • Project proposal must be based on the real world problem of partner MSME industry.
  • Team must include at least one representative from the partner MSME industry.

  • Last date of submission of project proposal – February 28, 2021
  • First level filtering by – March 10, 2021
  • Jury round – March 28, 2021
  • Announcement of shortlisted teams and funding approval – April 7, 2021
  • Project completion – September 2021 or as per the timeline agreed by the applicants and their partner MSMEs whichever is earlier)
  • Announcement of best project Implementation award – October 2021

Submission Instructions
  • Submissions must be done online by filling out a form – HERE
  • We need very concise and specific answers to three questions in the online form – Description of Problem Statement, Proposed Technical Solution, Commercial Potential.
    • If you need to display a block diagram, a schematic or illustration to explain your technical solution then you are allowed to upload a PDF file. This PDF file should not be more than 500 words and should not contain more than two illustrations.
  • Detailed budget must be uploaded in excel format and it should have following columns. In addition, budget should not exceed INR 2.25 Lacs.
  • S.No. Item Unit Cost Quantity Needed Sub Total Justification Source/Reference
  • You must upload an endorsement letter from the MSMEs on their letterhead. Endorsement letter must highlight the key deliverables and timeline as agreed by the two parties (Applicant and the MSMEs).

  • Funding of upto INR 2.25 lacs for implementing the project
  • Cash prize of INR 500,000 to best project implementation
  • Citation and wide visibility
  • Future support to MSMEss through TEC


Direct your queries to

  • This competition is only providing a platform wherein MSMEss (Party 1) can look for technical solutions for their real world problems by collaborating with students and academicians from the universities and colleges (Party 2). In addition, this competition is also providing financial aid for building the proposed technical solutions.
  • This competition or its organizers will not play mediator role for technology transfer between the two parties.
  • This competition or its organizers will not influence or make suggestions regarding the terms of engagement between the two parties.
  • This competition or its organizers will not be responsible for resolving any dispute (legal, IP or any other) between the two parties.
  • Lastly, it should be noted that once the funding is approved, Chitkara University NewGen IEDC would make all the payments directly to the vendors for the procurement of various goods and services as will be approved in the budget. In some rare cases, payment can be made to the team lead (applicant from Party 2) for the procurement of various goods and services from the approved budget. Payment will not be made from this funding to Party 1 under any circumstances.

    Organized by
    Chitkara University

    Anchored by
    NewGen IEDC and DST Technology Enabling Centres (TEC)


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Partner MSMEs

Eco Laboratories & Consultants Pvt. Ltd., Mohali
Sapiens Labs, Baddi, H.P.
Medhaavi Center for Automotive Research, Hoshiarpur
Genesis Controls
Aujus Technology Private Limited, Noida