Application for NewGen IEDC Prototyping Grant

    Application for NewGen IEDC Prototyping Grant
    Fill in the below form. All fields are mandatory. Read the guidelines given at the bottom before filling.

    Applicant must give complete details of all team members and project mentor(s). (mandatory requirement)

    We are interested in knowing the motivation behind this project for which prototyping grant from IEDC is sought, current status of the project, whether this project has already been shortlisted in or has already won any competition etc. Give your answer in about 500 words.

    We are interested in knowing what technical methods you are going to use for the implementation of the project.
    Through your answer, we want to adjudge your technical expertise that is needed for carrying out this project. If you want to include a block diagram, a circuit diagram or a flow chart to explain the methodology then please upload below.

    What is commercial potential of your idea/project? What is total market size in India or in abroad (total addressable market)? Answer this question after doing some survey or basic research. Try to quote figures/numbers.

    Kindly provide a break-up of items/services you are going to procure from the IEDC funding.

    Each project will be scrutinized by three experts from Technical Advisory Committee (TAC). Names and expertise of TAC members are available on IEDC website. Please identify three technical experts from TAC to scrutinize your project.

    I acknowledge that I have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions and Guidelines

    Terms & Conditions and Guidelines for Obtaining Funding from Chitkara University NewGen IEDC

    • NewGen IEDC funding is only for developing prototypes and therefore should not be used for process testing, execution, mass production etc. Projects submitted to IEDC should be based on novel ideas of technology and innovation. Projects must be patentable (or already patented by applicants in the recent past) and must have commercial potential.

    • The grant is subject to a maximum of Rs. 250,000only/project. Any application above this amount shall not be considered for the grant.

    • Applicant(s) must give proper justification for the items and their quantities being listed in the proposed budget. Cost of each item must be verified from vendors/online stores before writing in the proposed budget.

    • Capital assets, if necessarily required for the project may be procured with the prototyping grant. However, applicant must take prior approval for any such capital expenditure from Coordinator of Chitkara University NewGen IEDC before submitting this application form.

    • Capital assets will become property of NewGen IEDC after the completion of the project.

    • Registrations for workshops / conferences and travel and contingencies are not supported under the grant.

    • Applicant and team members may be asked to submit proofs of their affiliations. Please write your affiliations correctly. Alumni of Chitkara University must write their current affiliations in the form.

    • It is a responsibility of the mentor to check and verify all the particulars (and most importantly financials) in the application form.

    • It should be noted that by filling out this form applicant(s) are submitting expression of their interest/proposal. It doesn't guarantee approval of IEDC funding request. Each proposal will be scrutinized by at-least three experts from Technical Advisory Committee (TAC). Applicant(s) may be asked to appear before TAC for questioning. Decision of TAC will be final.

    • Applicants may choose three experts from TAC who will scrutinize their project.

    • If your project idea is accepted and awarded a grant then you will be asked to submit periodic progress reports as and when required.

    • Any misuse of IEDC funds by the applicants or any unethical practices on part of applicants w.r.t to their IEDC sanctioned project will lead to their disqualification and strict actions will be taken against such applicants.